MTI France > The firm

Who is MTI Engineering?

Since 1992, MTI has been supporting manufacturers in the ALU – WOOD – PVC joinery and sheet metal industries.

As a designer, manufacturer, and installer of machines and automated production lines, MTI assists manufacturers of windows and doors, as well as the profile processing sector, by advising you on your needs and offering complete and diverse solutions. We provide high-quality equipment with integrated control software, part management, and product traceability:


  • Cutting
  • CNC Machining
  • Assembly
  • Hinges/Accessory Installation
  • Logistics

+1000 machines

Concepteur et fabricant

Nous sommes créateur et fabricant de matériels au quotidien des professionnels de la menuiserie. Nos réalisations sont pensées, développées, usinées, fabriquées et assemblées sur 2 sites de production.

Un process complet

Nous assurons l’intégralité des études techniques (CAO-3D), mécanique, électrique, automatisme, informatique et réalisons le montage, le câblage, la programmation des automates ou PC en nos ateliers, l’installation sur site, la mise au point avec formation et le suivi après-vente.

Une gamme diversifiée

Nous sommes fournisseur de machines d’ébavurage et de finition pour le secteur de la tôlerie.
L’expérience et les connaissances acquises depuis 30 ans nous permettent d’être un partenaire privilégié et fiable auprès des grands noms en France et à l’étranger.

Au service du client

Le client est au cœur de notre entreprise, l’accompagner, le conseiller dans ses projets et le satisfaire font partie de nos principales préoccupations et objectifs continus.

Why Choose MTI Engineering?

Over 30 Years of Expertise

Choosing MTI means trusting over 30 years of expertise built and recognized by professionals in the joinery and sheet metal industries. Our ongoing interactions allow us to refine our skills, stay aligned with new technological approaches, evolve our products based on our clients’ needs, and validate the relevance of our innovations.

High-Quality Products

Ensuring high-quality products is an integral part of our DNA. With deep knowledge and extensive experience in the machinery field, the technical solutions we provide and the components we select guarantee proven quality. Our products are renowned for their reliability and durability, designed to stand the test of time.

Mastery of Manufacturing

The entire manufacturing process is carried out in-house, ensuring continuous support for the customer. We manage the entire project from the design phase to after-sales service. By having a single point of contact, the customer can directly and clearly communicate their needs and expectations, ensuring good project management consistency, which helps save time and resources.

After-Sales Service

After-sales service supports you from the moment you take charge of your equipment and throughout its entire lifespan. MTI places great importance on the technical follow-up of its machines. Engineers, the design office, automation specialists, setup technicians, and maintenance staff are at your disposal and respond based on the technical context of your request.

MTI - La technique au service de l'industrie